Abstract & Press Play, a group exhibition
Shatto Gallery
August 13, 2022 - September 3, 2022
Please join us as we celebrate “Abstract and Press Play”, an exhibition bringing together featured artists from the ECF Art Centers. This exhibition will showcase works by 16 artists presenting an array of mediums such as paintings, prints, ceramics and textile work. This exhibition was originally initiated through Shatto Gallery’s interest in supporting the ECF Art Centers. This show will be on view from August 13 through September 3, 2022.
Curated by Amy Ystrom of ECF Art Centers & Grace Kim of Shatto Gallery.
Shatto Gallery hours are 11 AM - 5PM Wednesday-Saturday.
Featured Artists:
Angie Alvarado
Maria Alvarado
Jamie Arenas
Tiffiny Boyd
Stephen Hollyfield
Adriana Homsi
Maurice Isaac
Justina Ko
Judy Lopez
Gabriel Menyhart
Raymond McAdams
Renee Rajala
Arturo Retana
Deveron Richard
Jamison Rizzo
Ricardo Villareal