Hear from our artists, families and supporters, learn about our services

and how we are supporting artists from our five studios in Los Angeles!

“I am happy about coming to the Art Center. I like coming all the days of the week. I love making art because it makes me proud. And I get happy when I get a check and sell my artwork. People tell me ‘congratulations!’ and I like it. It feels good to be proud myself because my art is beautiful and cute.” 

Sarah Fisher

art by Saul Amaya

“La experiencia de [mi hijo] ha sido muy buena. Ha tenido mucho progreso y también algo que me gusta que en el pasado sus Instructores han llevado a [mi hijo] a un templo en Hacienda Heights. Es algo que el ha repetido en muchas ocasiones. [Mi hijo] se siente confiado con el personal en el centro de arte. El siempre habla de sus experiencias y de lo que hace. El está muy contento y si él está contento allí, yo también estoy contenta. Yo estoy contenta de que este programa le ha ayudado a florecer su interés de arte. [Mi hijo] se siente completo allí en el centro de arte. El le gusta convivir con sus compañeros y se siente muy bien allí. Todo lo que puedo decir es que yo he mirado progreso. Estamos muy contentos.”

Martha Reyes  

*art by Saul Amaya

“I like this place because I can use my imagination and my beautiful mind to create memories that will last for life in premier pro. When I sleep, I wake up with ideas about art, when I go to Disneyland, I think about ideas to draw etc, etc. I have learned to socialize with my peers and instructors instead of being at home in my room. I also get lots of fresh air here in the art center. I have become a professional because I have sold my painting and my ceramic art to people that don’t know me and to people who love and care for me. I would recommend other people to come to support ECF because of the support to make their art super green and realistic not only in their mind but on canvas and paper to show their creativity.”

Natalie Delgadillo

Why did you join the ECF Art Centers?

“To create good art.”

What are your 3 things you like about the ECF Art Centers?

“Meet new people, get to draw things, get to spend time outside”

Ben Novak

*art by Ben Novak

“I like that my daughter tries different things, I like how they act, and the responsibility they (artists) have while at the program. I like the services because the attention staff gives the artists. They help them. It has helped Jalessa expand her art skills.”

Thelma Diaz

“When the regional center recommended ECF, we went to visit it right away. It was love at first sight. Blake loved the idea of being surrounded by creativity and artists. And so our journey began 10 years ago.

Since joining the ECF art center, Blake has become part of an artist community. The conversations that go on at the art center support his passion. He is engaged in a community of creativity, from the instructors to the fellow clients. ECF has given Blake a purpose.

The Instructors are angels. They know how to work with the clients and handle any circumstance that might come up. Not only do they know how to handle the emotional well-being of their clients, but they know how to foster a creativity in them.

I recommended going online and buying the artwork. These artists are so talented. I look forward to picking my son up from the art center every day. I go inside, and I am greeted and welcomed by the artists that want to show me their latest work. The walls are decorated with all of the artwork as well.”

Sally Roten

*art by Blake Roten

“Hi. My name is Vyara Brennan and I attend the Art Center Downtown. My mom heard about this program from a counselor- my counselor suggested this program for me because she knew I liked art and my mom signed me up. I like working with my fellow artists – I learn new stuff here. I like how we accept each other’s styles and how my style is accepted.

Coming here I got to work on a big canvas and sewing! I didn’t know what to do at home so it was nice to come to the studio and have a space to make art. This space feels different because I do things I didn’t do in art class. Here I work in my own style and choose what I want to do next. I’m just making maps of my world- it’s called World Building. I like to draw and it’s a good way to make a window into my imagination- and I like to paint just for fun. I love my characters- they are what I have on my mind.”

Vyara Brennan

“I was interested for my son to join the art center because he simply likes art and I do too. It brings me joy to know he could be in a place where he gets to do what he loves every day. Three things I love about the art center are the dedication the administrative staff have towards family but most importantly their artists. They are really made to feel like they are in a space where they belong.

I appreciate how artists like my son are supported and lastly, the high quality of care instructors provide. Our involvement with ECF has helped us understand the community more, and has benefited our family with being able to see our son evolve and be more open about sharing his art. We toured one other program and the minute we walked into the Downtown location we fell in love with the presence and energy- We knew that it was unique and where we belonged.”

Isabella Saldana

*art by Humberto Saldana

“ECF has helped me achieve. I’m proud of the work I have done that has given me the experience that I have now. I like saying ‘wow, I can do it!’ I don’t give up on things. I push right through. At the art center, you can follow what other people do and do it your own way. You make your own path.”

Armando Farillas

“My daughter Adriana is going on 15 years attending ECF. We noticed the start of her drawings, like Picasso’s cubism and geometric shapes. She has progressed and grown with the help and guidance of the program’s support, and talented instructors providing choices of art medium. It’s amazing the amount of creativity and talent you will find online or at their art exhibits.”

Barbara Homsi

*art by Adriana Homsi